Where to Put your Tiny House? | UK

"Where do I put my tiny home?" - a question that is routinely asked and one that doesn't usually get a precise answer. You see, choosing (or building) your tiny is just the tip of the iceberg with the real trouble being under the surface. Deciding on where to put your home, particularly when the options feel far and few between, is a daunting and rather stressful task to complete.

For the fortunate souls who have a patch of land already, then congrats! This blog post isn't really for you, unless it's a place where you can't put your tiny long term, then read on! Also, you may be interested in our planning permission guide depending on the positioning of your tiny on your land.

For those who are ready to live the dream but don't know where to begin to look for land, then continue reading as we may just be able to offer you an idea or two that you may not have thought of before. 

Finding Land For Tiny Houses UK

Park Home Sites

I’ll start with the least likely, yet still, if you don’t ask, you don’t get! Contacting a park home site as there are many of them, is a feasible way of gaining a plot but not very achievable as park homeowners want to sell you the home with the plot, so they make money. Most owners (including caravan sites and tourer sites) don’t allow some tiny homes if they’re over 3.05m internal height (the Darwen & Betula don’t have this problem). But we always like to say “if you don’t ask, you don’t get”. Another note is that you can purchase ground-floor tiny houses which will fit within the UK laws as a park home. This may be the compromise that you need should an ideal site become available!

Friend/Family Rented Land

You may have written this answer off, but before you do, you should consider your circle of friends and family. Let's say you have a family of 30 people and you have 10-12 good friends, each one of those people knowing 2+ other people, can easily expand your search to 360 people. Not to mention a post or two on Facebook in your local area to ask for a plot in someone's back garden. You'd be surprised at how many people do have the spare space and would love the additional income during these destructive COVID times. 

As a side note, if this becomes your option, we recommend drafting up a contract to ensure that you can’t be kicked off for any old reason! Better to be safe than to be homeless!

Farm Land

Renting a plot from a farm would suit just about most people. It’s green, scenic and usually close to amenities. The only catch is that you will need to contact quite a few to get what you're looking for. Some farms may not legally be able to have you. For example, one of our team’s family member is renting a farm where one of the contractual conditions stipulates they must not use the land commercially. These may be few and far between, and so we'd recommend grabbing the phone and contacting as many farms in your area before someone snaps up your potential spot. As ever, most farmers will be happy for the extra income if it doesn’t negatively impact their lives or their business.

Buying Land for your Tiny House (UK)

If you have savings for the purchase of a plot of land, you'll be in for a surprise when you discover it isn't as easy as 1,2,3. Yes, you can buy land, but that doesn't mean your tiny home is eligible to be on that property. There are lots to consider regarding planning permission, and with the right info, you can most certainly get approval for your tiny. Now would be a good time to look at our post regarding planning and tips on how you can ensure your plot enables you to live there. 

Buying Land for your Tiny House (EU)

Land in France, Portugal, Spain and other EU countries is cheaper and usually more accessible regarding planning permission for tiny homes. That doesn't necessarily make it an easy option as you'll have a language barrier to deal with, the trust in translators and a new lifestyle to immerse yourself into. These days there are many informative websites for buying land abroad, including Facebook groups to offer support and solutions to ensure your property is everything you want it to be. 

Join a Tiny House Community 

Again, not exactly a straightforward answer but one that could lead to one with enough voices. Either joining a community or finding like-minded individuals in your area to create a community is enough to get you on the right track to living tiny. The most prominent community in the UK is the Bristol tiny community which you'll find easily online. We feel this community plus others across the UK is what will help us all to work together to create additional rules for Tiny Homes making this new way of life easier to achieve. 

That's it from us this week, if you have any questions regarding this post, please feel free to get in touch with us. We are online hourly to ensure we don't miss your messages!

If you’re ready to get your tiny home, then check out our models now by clicking the button below.

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